When you sign up with a new email account or reset your password, Alfred will send you an email to verify the account ownership. If you can't find the email in your mailbox, you can try the following steps:
1. Check the spelling of your email
If you didn't receive a verification email, please first check the spelling of your email address. If there's a spelling error, you can:
- Tap the back button on the app
- Correct your email
Request Alfred to send another verification email
2. Check the spam folder
If you're still not receiving the verification email, it may have been sent to the spam folder. Check your spam folder and search for emails sent from noreply@alfred.camera. If you're using Gmail, check your Social and Promotions tabs too.
3. Resend email
If you can't find the verification email in your mailbox or the spam folder, you can tap Resend and we will send another verification email to you.
4. Continue with Google
If you still can't find the email, you can try using "Continue with Google". If you'd like to change your Google password, please read this article on how to do so.
🙋 Still have questions? Please contact us from the More tab in the app.