Developing a software solution for a multitude of phones, diverse home conditions, and inconsistent network conditions is an extremely technically difficult challenge. With that said, it is precisely this challenge that gives us such a strong sense of achievement when we make and see progress. Your support is what fuels us along the journey to perfection. Now, due to diverse devices and usage conditions, some complex issues can come up. In this article, you'll find out what error codes are and how you can troubleshoot them.
- 1008, 1010, 1012, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019,1020
- 3001, 3002, 3004, 3006
- 4001, 4002
- 5001, 5010, 5016, 5019, 5020, 5021
- 6001, 6004, 6005, 6006, 6008
- 7001, 7004, 7006, 7007, 7008, 7009, 7010, 7011, 7012, 7013, 7015
- 9001, 9005, 9007
Error Code 1008: Failed to record video.
What can I do: Please check the storage of your phone and free up some space.
Error Code 1010: Don't have permission to watch Live stream. Please check if your account is under Trust Circle.
What can I do: Ensure that you update the AlfredCamera app to the latest version on ALL Viewer and Camera devices. Additionally, remove Trust Circle users and then re-add them.
Error Code 1012: Failed to sign in.
What can I do: Please restart your device and connect to another network.
Error Code 1016: This Camera is not accessible now. Please try again later.
What can I do: Please try Viewer Priority for Alfred Android to prevent this issue.
Error Code 1017: Failed to proceed with the action.
What can I do: Please try again later, and make sure both your Viewer and Camera are connected.
Error Code 1018: This Camera is connected to other Viewer devices.
What can I do: Please make sure the other Viewer is closed and try again.
Error Code 1019: Your session is interrupted by another Viewer device.
What can I do: Please make sure the other Viewer is closed and try again.
Error Code 1020: Failed to play the video.
What can I do: Please attempt to play the video using a Viewer device on other platforms. If the issue persists, please reboot the device, then check whether the subsequently recorded Continuous Recording footage can be played back successfully. If the problem persists with the later recordings, please delete the footage and regain Continuous Recording permissions.
Error Code 3001: Failed to sign in.
What can I do:
1. Change your password to a stronger one
2. Revoke Google’s access and sign in again (if using a Google account)
- Tap on your account
- Sign out of Alfred
- Sign in again.
If the above steps don't work:
- Remove Alfred as a Connected App through Google
- Sign in to Alfred with your Gmail account again
- Grant all permissions to Alfred
3. Check your time and date settings
4. Make sure the AlfredCamera app is updated
5. Turn the WiFi off and on
6. Make sure all permissions have been granted
7. Make sure you have the latest version of Google Play Store installed (if using Google account)
Error Code 3002: You've been logged out.
What can I do: Please relaunch the app and try logging in again.
Error Code 3004: Reconnecting
What can I do:
1. Change your password to a stronger one
2. Revoke Google’s access and sign in again (if using Google accounts)
- Tap on your account
- Sign out of Alfred
- Sign in again.
If the above steps don't work:
- Remove Alfred as a Connected App through Google
- Sign in to Alfred with your Gmail account again
- Grant permissions to Alfred
3. Check your time and date settings
4. Make sure Alfred is updated
5. Turn the WiFi off and on
6. Make sure all permissions have been granted
7. Make sure you have the latest version of Google Play services installed (if using Google account)
Error Code 3006: Failed to sign in.
What can I do:
1. Change your password to a stronger one
2. Revoke Google’s access and sign in again (if using Google accounts)
- Tap on your account
- Sign out of Alfred
- Sign in again.
If the above steps don't work:
- Remove Alfred as a Connected App through Google
- Sign into Alfred with your Gmail account again
- Grant permissions to Alfred
3. Check your time and date settings
4. Make sure Alfred is updated
5. Turn the WiFi off and on
6. Make sure all permissions have been granted
7. Make sure you have the latest version of Google Play services installed (if using Google account)
Error Code 4001: Camera device failed to launch. Please reboot your device and try again.
What can I do: please close other photo related apps.
- Android devices
- Launch the recent applications menu.
- Find the application(s) you want to close on the list by scrolling up from the bottom or from left to right, depending on your device model.
- Tap and hold on the application and swipe it to the right or swipe up, depending on your device model.
iOS devices
Press the Home button two times quickly. You’ll see small previews of your recently used apps.
Swipe left to find the app you want to close.
Swipe up on the app’s preview to close it.
Error Code 4002: Alfred requires access to your camera.
What can I do: Please confirm that camera permissions have been granted to the AlfredCamera app.
Error Code 5001: Device time does not match the current time. Please update this device to automatic system time and restart the app.
What can I do: Please ensure that the system device time is synchronized with the real-world time for our services to function correctly on your devices.
Error Code 5010: Failed to save video to your album. Please check if you have enough storage.
What can I do: Please confirm if there is sufficient storage space available.
Error Code 5016: Loading...Please wait.
What can I do: Please try again later or connect your viewer phone to another network.
Error Code 5019: The version of Alfred on this Camera will soon become unsupported. Please update to the latest version.
What can I do: Please update the app on the Camera device(s) as early as you can to keep Alfred working.
Error Code 5020: Please go to your Camera device and update the app to the latest version.
What can I do: Please update the app on the Camera device(s) as early as you can to keep Alfred working.
Error Code 5021: This version of the app is no longer supported. Please update it to the latest version.
What can I do: Please update the app on the Camera device(s) as early as you can to keep Alfred working.
Error Code 6001: Your previous in-app purchase has not been completed. Do you want to resume the process?
What can I do: A previous purchase from the same account was interrupted by errors and was not completed successfully. Please confirm whether to proceed with the purchase process.
Error Code 6004: There was a network error while processing your purchase.
What can I do: Please connect to another network and try again.
Error Code 6005:An error occurred while processing your purchase.
What can I do: Please clear the cache and data of the Play Store:
- Open your device's Settings
- Tap Apps & notifications
See all apps
- Scroll down and tap Google Play Store
- Tap Storage & cache
Clear Cache
- Next, tap Clear Storage
- Re-open the Play Store & upgrade again
Error Code 6006: An error occurred while processing your purchase.
What can I do: Please clear the cache and data of the Play Store:
- Open your device's Settings
- Tap Apps & notifications
See all apps
- Scroll down and tap Google Play Store
- Tap Storage & cache
Clear Cache
- Next, tap Clear Storage
- Re-open the Play Store & upgrade again
Error Code 6008: You already upgraded to Alfred Premium with another account. Please switch to the account associated with the subscription.
What can I do: This message indicates that your subscription is associated with another account. If you have multiple Alfred accounts, try logging in to another account and see if it's associated with the subscription. Alternatively, you may contact us with the order number you got from the Google Play Store / App Store / PayPal for us to further investigate.
Error Code 7001: Unable to start Live stream. Please check your network status and try again.
What can I do: Please Check the connection on the Viewer.
Error Code 7004: No internet connection. Please check your network status.
What can I do: If you saw error code 7004, it indicates that there's no internet connection on your device. To ensure continuous surveillance, please connect your devices to a more stable connection.
Error Code 7006: This Camera device is offline. Please check the internet connection and battery level.
What can I do: If you are seeing 7006, the Camera is either not online or not available for connection. Please wait while Alfred attempts to reestablish the connection. If it still doesn’t work, please check the Internet connection on your Camera end.
Error Code 7007: This Camera device is offline.
What can I do: Please refer to this article for the troubleshooting suggestion.
Error Code 7008: No internet connection. Please check your network status.
What can I do: If you are seeing a 7008 error code, it indicates the connection issue is on your Viewer device. Please restart the Live session later, or connect the Viewer device to another network.
Error Code 7009: This Camera device is offline. Please make sure your Camera device has enough battery.
What can I do: Please disable Battery Optimization and keep your Camera device plugged in to ensure continuous surveillance.
Error Code 7010: Failed to wake up Camera.
What can I do: Error Code 7010 indicates that your Camera has been powered down, disconnected from the Internet, logged out, or simply crashed. If you can’t wake up the Camera, the only way to bring the Camera back online is to regain physical access to the device and launch Alfred again. Please run a quick Camera Health Check to see if the power supply/connection can be improved.
If your Camera is an iOS device, enabling Guided Access could work wonders.
Error Code 7011: Live stream is not available. Please reboot your Camera device.
What can I do: Please refer to this article for the troubleshooting suggestion.
Error Code 7012: Please keep Alfred active in the foreground on the Camera device.
What can I do: Please refer to this article for the troubleshooting suggestion.
Error Code 7013: Please make sure your Camera device is connected to a stable network.
What can I do: You see this message either when your Camera device is offline or it takes too long to connect to your Camera. To fix this issue, please restart the Camera's network or try again later.
Error Code 7015: Event is currently inaccesible. Please try again later.
What can I do: The Event book can be accessed simultaneously by a maximum of 5 Viewers. You see this message when other Viewer devices under your account or from your Trust Circle are checking the Event book and the capacity has reached its limits, please wait until other Viewers finishing viewing the Event book.
Error Code 9001: Something went wrong. Please try again later.
What can I do: Please reboot the device and try again.
Error Code 9005: Failed to add this account to your Trust Circle. Please ensure that this is not your account or an existing account in the list.
What can I do: You get this message when Alfred can't add the account to the Trust Circle. Try some of the tips in this article to troubleshoot the problem.
Error Code 9007: Something went wrong, please try again later.
What can I do: This error message usually indicates a connection timeout. It can occur if there are temporary network disruptions or when the camera experiences connectivity issues. In such cases, we recommend checking your internet connection and ensuring that your camera has a stable connection to the internet.